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I was curious, so I googled how long it takes to build a skyscraper. I got answers that varied significantly. Some said 1 year and others said 5 years with the average being 3 years. One article suggested that the Empire State building took 13 months to build back in 1931. Regardless of the exact timeline, the pathway to transforming a skyline is lengthy. It just doesn't happen overnight. 

The Christ the Redeemer Statue forever changed the landscape of Rio de Janeiro. It was built on top of Mount Corcovado over the course of 5 years. Standing 98 feet, it is the tallest Art Deco sculpture in the world. It is considered one of the new 7 Wonders of the world. The Catholic church funded the project as an initiative to build a monument in a city that was considered “godless”. I’m not sure if the statue impacted people’s choice to follow Jesus, but it certainly transformed the landscape of the city.

Whether building skyscrapers or wonders of the world, you have to start below the ground. A solid foundation must be formed. Upon which the structure will be developed. Step by step it begins to take form. Along the way it may not look like much and certainly won’t look like the finished product. The transformation from dirt to skyscraper or statue is simply remarkable. 

In Romans 12:2 Paul says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” God is in the business of transforming. As we relinquish our illusion of control and the world's empty promises, God builds in us. He is transforming us from the inside, so that His masterpiece may be on display. 

This transformation doesn’t happen overnight. While the skyscraper may take 5 years to be transformed, our transformation will last a lifetime. The foundation is built as we accept Jesus into our lives. The building happens through our worship as a community of believers, by studying the Bible, being with fellow believers, and our spiritual disciplines. As He builds, we are transformed and become a light in the darkness of this world.

Be blessed and be a blessing,


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