I've always admired people who aren't afraid to be bold in their convictions. It is the kind of boldness that allows them to stand out in the crowd. There is just something different about how these people view and engage the world around them.
The movie “Hacksaw Ridge” portrays a man that exemplifies what I mean by bold. He was drafted to serve in World War II but refused to bear arms because of religious reasons. Yet, he still managed to receive the Congressional Medal of honor. Without a weapon in his hand, he saved 75 men in the Battle of Okinawa. Despite his objection to violence, he still served his country. Despite his objection to war he found a way to love his neighbor. He was bold.
When I think of bold in the Bible, I think of Stephen. Acts 6:8 says, "Now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, performed great wonders and signs among the people." Stephen faced opposition to his teachings. Those that opposed his teachings couldn't "stand up against the wisdom of Spirit gave him" (Acts 6:10). Since they couldn't beat him they decided to get rid of him. So, they made up lies about the things he taught. These lies resulted in his arrest as a blasphemer.
As a result, Stephen faced the courts for these false charges. When asked by the leaders of the courts if the charges against him were true, Stephen gave a mini religious history lesson. In his soliloquy Stephen outlined the lineage of Jesus back to Abraham. He was bold in his commitment to his Lord. He called out those that were soon to judge him for their killing of the Messiah, Jesus. He called them out for their lack of faith in God and in the law.
Stephen's life ended as he was stoned to death at the hands of his accusers. Just before he died he fell to his knees and said “Lord, do not hold this sin against them” (Acts 7:60). Just like Jesus, Stephen asked God to forgive his transgressors. To the end, Stephen was bold in confrontation with his accusers and intercession on their behalf. Stephen stood boldly in truth.
Where in your life are you willing to be bold? Where are you being called to stand tall in the face of adversity? Where is Jesus calling you to be bold?
Be blessed and be a blessing,
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