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Anchor House Week 2: Have a nice forever

The second week at Anchor House concluded with my return to State College of Florida for a very special event. I had the great honor of overseeing the celebration of life services for Robert C Wynn.  Coach Wynn was the first baseball coach and athletic director at then Manatee Junior College. Under his leadership, they won championships, expanded the athletic department by adding other new sports, and were pioneers and champions for women in sport. He was a husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, coach, teacher, mentor, and friend. The fact is, he built a legacy. However, that legacy wasn’t just what occurred on the baseball field, athletic department, or within his family. It was about people's forever. 

Coach Wynn was one of the most passionate soldiers for Jesus I have ever known.  He was more concerned about people's salvation in Jesus than anything else. It was the focal point of all of his relationships and decisions. His unashamed passion for sharing the gospel was contagious. Coach Wynn experienced significant achievements in his life. He'd be the first to tell you, they were all because of his Jesus.  

As I wrapped up the second week at Anchor House, Coach Wynn's service was the perfect reminder of what it's all about.  In this Jesus was clear.  Our job is to Love Him and Love our Neighbors (Matt 22: 37-40).  What does that mean? How do we do that? 

We do that by being like Robert C. Wynn. We share this amazing gift of Jesus with whomever we can. We realize that the goal is to change people's forever and the process to get the privilege to share that good news may take time. In the meantime we simply love them.  We show hospitality (Heb. 13:2). We care for them and the troubles they are walking through (Gal 6:2). We push each other to become better versions of ourselves (Prov 27:17).

Matthew 28:19-20 says, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Coach Wynn was a disciple maker. His life is an inspiration to follow.  We are here on this earth to be developed as followers of Christ and to build followers of Jesus.  It's a process. One that we all play a role in.  God has placed each of us in a position to do his work.  We only need to recognize and embrace it. Go forth for you may be the place you work, it may be in your community, it may be across the world, and it might be right in your backyard at Anchor House. 

At Anchor House we have some people whom we get to serve every day.  Others we serve every few weeks. Others we may never see again.  Whatever the length of time we are given with God's children, our job is LOVE.  

Whatever we do at Anchor House, it must come from a position of love. Fact is we love because we were first loved (1 John 4:19). We love because by it they can tell we are disciples of Christ (John 13:35). Whatever we do at Anchor House we must do it because we want all to have the same glorious forever Jesus has secured for each of us.  

Be blessed and be a blessing,



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