In the communion and offering meditation, Mindy shared a picture of their family's dinner table. She described the numerous activities that happen around that table. The one she said that stuck out the most to me was forgiveness.
There is one particular table in the Bible that comes to mind. It is where a significant moment in our history occurred. At this table, Jesus is dining with his closest followers, just hours before He will be arrested. He gathers with them to partake in the festival of unleavened bread. During this meal, this table is the stage for truth, betrayal, denial, lies, promise, and forgiveness.
As Jesus identifies his betrayer (Matt 26:20-25) and predicts Peter's denial of Him (Matt 26:31-35), He is fully aware of what is to come. He will pay a ransom to free God's people. Even as these bonds of trust and friendship are broken, Jesus doesn't relent. He still breaks the bread and still drinks of the cup. He offers forgiveness, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." (Matt 26:28).
I don't know about you, but I'd have trouble following through with this arrangement if I were in Jesus' shoes. The weight of violated relationships with my closest friends would be too much to bear. The wound would be too fresh and too deep. I'd be angry and hurt. The thought of sacrificing myself for them wouldnt even cross my mind. How could I? They were supposed to have my back.
Jesus comfortably exists in the tension between a broken relationship and restoration. His existence transcends
broken promises, denials, and betrayals. His love is so extravagant and immense that no rift is too deep or wide to be passed. His table has seats for those who deny Him, those who betray Him, those whose faith waivers, those whose religion gets in the way of His religion, and us sinners. There's room at the table for you and even for me.
At the table we are invited to be like Jesus. We are invited to be a part of His fullness of truth and grace. At His table we all belong because of the forgiveness He grants and calls us to emulate.
Be blessed and be a blessing,
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