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Showing posts from April, 2022

Freedom isn't free

In America, the term "Freedom isn't Free'' is frequently seen together with red, white, and blue. You may see pictures of the flag, a soldier honoring another fallen soldier, or the infamous silhouette of the soldiers pushing the flag upright. There are even songs titled "Freedom Isn't Free" that mention the USA and sacrifices of our military. These are inspiring messages of sacrifice paid at its fullest. One life given for something greater.  I'm not sure why, but "Freedom isn't Free" popped into my mind the other day and I haven't been able to shake it. I think it is because of Easter and my reflection on the price paid for me. I realize that I have freedom. Freedom to choose to follow Jesus or choose to follow something else. God gave me the freedom to decide.  Choosing Jesus means choosing freedom. Freedom from the control and weight of this world. Freedom in a forever with our God. We will face difficult times,...

The Hug

If you were at the 12:00 Easter service at Westside Christian Church you would have witnessed our worship pastor baptizing his son at the end of service. He climbed in the baptistry with all of his clothes on after the final worship song of the service. His son didn't know he was going to do the baptism, he thought the kids ministry leader was doing it.  After he completed baptizing him, he gave his son the biggest hug while the church applauded. It was one of those where a kid jumps in the arms of the parent. It ends up being a full body hug.   I thought it was a perfect ending to Easter. The pure love of a father for his son, raw and real, right before our eyes. The same love and joy God shared after Jesus was baptized. Matthew 2:17 says, "And a voice from heaven said, 'This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.'"  God's love for us is the same. Because of Jesus' death on the cross and His defeat of death with the empty tomb...

Anchor House Week 14: Double cheeseburger

Happy Easter! This Easter week was just different at the SeaPort. We had quite a few ships in and many that will stay for Easter. One of the ships was getting loaded for most of the week and some of the crew came to Anchor House for some R&R. They shot pool, played basketball, got something to eat, and took advantage of the WiFi.  The final night the ship was in town, some of the guys spent the entire afternoon and evening with us. They had such a great time. As they got hungry they ordered a couple of double cheeseburgers, a great American classic.   Not long after, they ordered a couple of more double cheeseburgers. I didn't think much of it, these guys work hard and maybe they were really just hungry. But then they asked for them to be wrapped up for takeaway. Not long after, a few of their shipmates showed up at the center. They too ordered double cheeseburgers. Theirs were ordered for takeaway too.   After I left for the day, the impor...

Anchor House Week 13- Job

Trish and I have had this wonderful discussion about the fact that we don't have jobs. I've had jobs before. When you are first starting in a new job it is exciting and you work passionately. Many times there is a shift that occurs. From the get to attitude to the have to attitude, "I have to go to work today." Jobs have the ability to consume our lives because we have our compass pointed in the wrong direction. When we chase a promotion and a paycheck it leads us down an empty path. They may consume us, but they are just a job.  Trish and I agree, serving God and his people at Anchor House is better described as a calling. We get the chance to live as missionaries right here in our own town. God invites us to serve Him and His people in this very special way. We get to show His love and share the Good News with a local, regional, and global impact. Jobs can be replaced when the person chooses. You simply decide you want to do something else, quit your jo...

King of the Jews

Then Pilate took Jesus and had Him flogged. The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on His head. They clothed Him in a purple robe and went up to Him again and again, saying, “Hail, king of the Jews!” And they slapped Him in the face. Once more Pilate came out and said to the Jews gathered there, “Look, I am bringing Him out to you to let you know that I find no basis for a charge against Him.” When Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, “Here is the man!” As soon as the chief priests and their officials saw Him, they shouted, “Crucify! Crucify!” But Pilate answered, “You take Him and crucify Him. As for me, I find no basis for a charge against Him.” The Jewish leaders insisted, “We have a law, and according to that law He must die, because He claimed to be the Son of God.” When Pilate heard this, he was even more afraid, and he went back inside the palace. “Where do you come from?” he asked Jesus, but Jesus g...

Anchor House Week12: Constant

I've gotten almost a week behind on my reflections from Anchor House. It seems there just isn't enough time in the day.  The way these blogs come together is different from week to week.  Some weeks God puts a message clearly on my heart. Others it feels like a struggle to put "pen to paper".   This week was one of those that I knew exactly what I'd write about. However, each day passed and I missed the opportunity. You see, I write best in the mornings. Not sure if it's the limited distractions, a product of my habit of practicing my spiritual disciplines in the morning, or something else entirely. Most of my afternoon writing is intelligible and requires numerous edits.  In the AM, however, they seem to make more sense.   What's funny is that as I am writing, I am feeling God moving.  He's moving from what I thought I was to write about to what He wants me to share. These shifts and changes are a part of the shipping industry.  ...


In the communion and offering meditation, Mindy shared a picture of their family's dinner table. She described the numerous activities that happen around that table. The one she said that stuck out the most to me was forgiveness.  There is one particular table in the Bible that comes to mind. It is where a significant moment in our history occurred. At this table, Jesus is dining with his closest followers, just hours before He will be arrested. He gathers with them to partake in the festival of unleavened bread. During this meal, this table is the stage for truth, betrayal, denial, lies, promise, and forgiveness.   As Jesus identifies his betrayer (Matt 26:20-25) and predicts Peter's denial of Him (Matt 26:31-35), He is fully aware of what is to come. He will pay a ransom to free God's people. Even as these bonds of trust and friendship are broken, Jesus doesn't relent. He still breaks the bread and still drinks of the cup. He offers forgiveness, "T...