For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to divide soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. - Hebrews 4:12
The imagery in this passage is vivid. Most of us don’t run around using swords anymore. However, we have seen them in museums, history books, and movies, of course. We know that a double edge sword has a blade on each side of the sword. As opposed to our kitchen knives that have a blade on just one side. This was a tool meant to make an impact.
Paul the author describes a sword that has the sharpness of a surgical scalpel. It is able to split the joints of the bones from the marrow of the bones themselves. It can divide a soul from a spirit. The operator of the sword has a steady hand with precision.
Prior to this verse, the Apostle Paul has just shared with the audience the importance of rest. He challenges his audience to rest from work, just like God did. If you refer back to Genesis chapter 1, God worked for six days creating our world. On the sixth day, he created man. Then He sat back and enjoyed His creation. On the seventh day, He did not work. Genesis 2 says He completed all of His work so He rested and made it holy. A day set aside for us to do the same.
Paul says in Hebrews, “The word of God is alive and active.” So much so that by wielding a razor sharp sword, the word has the ability to judge our hearts. God says our work is done in six days. God assures us His word has the ability to separate our soul and spirit. The soul represents our human form. The spirit refers to our spiritual relationship with our God. I think the point Paul is trying to make here is two-fold.
First, even at rest, God is at work with us. The word remains active even as we rest. Through the Holy Spirit, God is drawing us closer to Him and further from our human form. Let us not forget, Jesus is the living word. He has already overcome the world. Shouldn’t we rest knowing His victory is ours.
Secondly, as much as we may try, we can’t ever outrun God. He knows what is in our heart and in our minds. We may think we can hide things from Him, but his sword has the ability to reach all places and dissect our innermost and darkest thoughts and feelings. Those fears, that guilt, and those feelings that we think we can tuck away in a part or our souls that only we can see are not hidden from God.
God is present in rest. Seek rest as God sought it and you will find Him.
Be blessed and be a blessing,
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