As I reflect on week one at Anchor House Mission the word that keeps coming to mind is comfortable. Comfortable is often equated with complacent. The book of Revelation puts it this way,”I know your deeds that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish you were either one or the other” (Rev 3:15). Complacency couldn't be further from the invigoration I feel associated with this new beginning. If John’s intention was to associate hot with being filled with purpose, excitement, and energy then it certainly describes how I feel.
For me, this feeling of being comfortable is better equated to being at home. Outgoing Executive Director/Chaplain, Alan Howe, has gone out of his way to assure a smooth transition. In addition, he has decided to remain with us and serve as a volunteer chaplain. Manager/Chaplain, Trish Alligood, has never flinched at my barrage of questions. She is one of the most committed individuals I have ever met. Yet makes time to provide training and insight to her new boss. Sandi is known as the Anchor House Kitchen Ninja. She works tirelessly from arrival to departure. Each person who visits the center is sent off with a “Have a blessed day” from Sandi. This is a special group of people. They certainly contribute to my feeling of being at home.
However, that’s not it. There is something more. It is a peace of knowing God has me right where He wants me. A joy associated with a Kingdom purpose.
Seafarers are a long way from home for months on end. They work hard, long days and rarely get a chance to get off the ship. The longshoreman and port employees invest hour after hour to move containers and bulk products in and out of the port. Port security always stands ready to assure the safety of the port, the people, and the contents. Truck drivers file in one after another waiting for their call to load out and move the products out to their final destination. There are so many moving parts and many, many people engaged in the process.
In the first week, it is glaringly obvious the nature of His purpose for us at Anchor House Mission. Our purpose is best described as love. We are called to be a ray of light. We get to simply love our neighbor and let God do the rest.
Be blessed and be a blessing,
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