Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.
John 1:3 NIV
Pronoun- not a single thing, not anything
Adjective - having no prospect of progress
Adverb - not at all
Without God…
Not anything
No prospect of progress
Not all
Away from God there isn't anything. There is no way to advance or make progress. It's a dead end. Without God there is nothing at all. It is empty.
I'm not sure about you, but I struggle to wrap my head around nothing. I think of the desert as barren. Plants and animals are scarce. The conditions are harsh. You look around and can't see a thing for miles and miles. Yet, it is not nothing. You have sand, sun, skies, heat, and the animals that are adapt to the environment.
My mind then goes to space. The absence of gravity and oxygen must make it feel like nothing. Yet, you have the planets, the stars, your spaceship, and all of your fancy space technology. In the vast emptiness of space there remains something.
Nothing is the absence of anything and no hope at growth towards something. God is so vast, so big, so powerful that He made everything. With God all things are possible. Apart from Him… nothing.
Be blessed and be a blessing,
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