We went camping a week ago with friends. July in Florida, it's hot and humid. Thankfully our pop up camper has an air conditioning unit. It's amazing how well it cools our tent on wheels. When we arrived at the campsite and got set up, we learned that our air conditioning unit decided to take the weekend off.
I had worked all day loading and preparing for the trip. I was already hot and tired by the time we got to the site. Learning that we wouldn't have AC sent me off the edge. What ensued was a temper tantrum that any two-year old would be envious. I was not a good representation of the traits of an elder at that moment.
What ensued was an outpouring of grace and love from my friends and family. They may not have realized it, but in that moment they were the face of Jesus to one very tired and angry man.
The rest of the weekend we camped without AC and had a blast. Sunday our check out day, my phone decided to take the day off. At first I felt the same anger creeping in, but then I saw the faces of those that showed me so much grace and love. I realized there must be a lesson in this.
We get so wrapped up in our stuff that we miss the lessons sometimes. I think God was telling me to "be there" in the moment. The AC, the phone, the stuff are just distractions from being in the space He wants us to be in. James 4:8 tells us to "draw near to God". That is get the other stuff out of the way and "be there" in the moment with God. It says that when we draw near to Him, He will do the same to us.
The anger and frustration I experienced were tools of the enemy to draw me further from God. The love and grace of my family and friends were no doubt God's counter action to fight for me. Draw near to God and be there. He will fight for you, even when you are exhausted and most vulnerable. Sometimes when you can't fight, He sends His children to fight and stand up for you.
Be blessed abd be a blessing,
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