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Independence Day

 This morning as I sit down to write this, our nation celebrates our Independence Day. A country born on the ideals of freedom for all. I might suggest it is an ideal we still strive to achieve. 

This 4th of July is a bit different than most.  To the south of us loomes a tropical system.  It brings wind and massive amounts of rain with it.  As it passes over the Carribean Islands we pray for the people who call those islands home. We ask for their safety from harm and the impacts of this storm. 

Independence Day is a celebration of a bond of an oppressor broken.  The Monarchy in England strived to take care of itself at the expense of the colonies in the Americas.  As our forefathers signed the Declaration of Indepence, they announced that those they represented were free from this bondage of oppression.

The ideal of freedom is realized only through Christ. At our baptism, we make a similar statement as our country's forefathers did. We declare Jesus as Lord and announce our freedom from the bondage of our oppressor. 

Galations 3:26-27 tells us, “So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.”  Do you know that wonderful feeling of taking off your old dirty clothes after doing yard work, taking a shower, and putting on new clothes? I feel refreshed. I was tired and didn’t like the way I felt. But after, I feel renewed. Our baptism demonstrates the freedom from our old dirty self into a child of God. 

As we walk with Jesus, each day is our Independence Day.  Sure a storm looms.  Through Jesus we have become about something greater than any threat a storm could pose in our life.  Our freedom by no means will result in us never experiencing a storm. It changes the impact the storm has on us. Our Savior has broken the bonds of the enemy. We can now have joy in the storm.  James 1:2 says we should “count it as pure Joy” when we face a storm. These storms help us grow and become firm in our faith.There is no storm that is larger than the independence from guilt, fear, anxiety, and other tools of the enemy which God provides to us through Jesus.  

Take time this week to consider the freedom God has given all of us through Jesus. No matter what storm may be approaching or going through this week, remain filled with Joy.  God is celebrating Independence Day with you. 

Be blessed and be a blessing,



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