It seems you cannot say COVID-19 without insighting a STRONG emotional response. For many, fear moves in. Others experience sorrow from the loss of a loved one. Many times it immediately shifts to a soliloquy about mask mandates violating personal rights or failure to wear a mask recklessly placing others at risk. Certainly a debate will begin about the vaccine.
Let me assure you I am not here to debate either polar end of these topics.
Rather, I suggest we need to OPEN OUR EYES! We might just be missing it. We might be missing one of the most important occurrences of our lives.
Before I dive deeper, we need to establish a few ground rules. First, let's assume COVID-19 was real and one of the most deadly, potent viruses this world has ever seen. Next, we need to agree that each and every person on this earth is God's wonderfully made creation. Finally, we need to agree that none of us are God and we only have a limited finite understanding of his infinite, unlimited power.
In response to the spread of COVID-19, the world shutdown. We were told to stay home. Don't go to work. Don't go to the store. Stay inside. Protect yourself.
All the sudden most of the Christian world was at home with nothing to do. Personally, that meant more time in the word, prayer for those fighting this unknown disease. Prayers for the many people who contracted it. Each day my wife went to work at the hospital. Each night as I went to sleep I placed my hand in hers and prayer for her safety and for those she came in contact with.
What if my experience is not unique? What if Christians across the world retreated to the bunker of His truth and the power of prayer? Separated in the silos of our homes but united in God's Kingdom through prayer. Jesus said, "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” (Matthew 21:22 NIV). Maybe fear of this terrible disease brought believers to their knees so that we finally surrendered and beleived. We realized we were powerless and we must trust our God.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV). Christians across the world were freed from fear as God performed the greatest miracle of our modern days.
Could it be that this thing was as contagious as they said? Could it be that this thing was as deadly as they said? Could it be that the loss of human life should have been many times greater than it has been?
Prayer works. I must accept that what we experienced was the power of prayer. I must accept that when we push the junk of daily life out of the way and focus on God, amazing things happen. To me, we have witnessed the greatest miracle of modern times because of COVID-19.
As we return to "normal", we can't lose sight of what God has shared with us. Prayer works. He is listening. We must remain vigilant. We must believe.
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