The concise message of many of the Proverbs is powerful to me. The invitation above is simple and to the point yet has significant depth. It is a transactional exchange. We give our hearts and in exchange we delight in His ways. Seems pretty simple, right?
The proverb starts with, "My son…" Simple and easy to glance past to the rest of the Proverb. However, it is significant because children have a special place. They are dependent on their parents to support their most basic needs. Food, shelter, clothing are just the tip of the iceberg. Parents provide protection and educate children in the ways of the world. Parents love their children in a very special way. God establishes that bond as He calls out to us and makes no doubts as to our relationship. We are not only children, but His children.
He asks for not part of our heart, but the whole thing- even that little bit that we think we can hide from Him. You know, the part that is filled with pride. The part that thinks we can do it without Him. The part that still tries to live like we did before we knew our Savior. He wants it all.
But the reward is unbelievable. We are invited to delight in His ways. The Message version of the Bible says, "I want your full attention, please do what I show you." Give me your heart and I will spend time with you. Give me your heart and I will teach you. Give me your heart and I will prepare you for your future with me".
Give him your heart and delight in the love of your Father raising you up as only He can do.
Be blessed and be a blessing,
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