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Morning at the Ballpark

For years, my career revolved around sports teams, facilities, and contests.  One of my favorite parts of that chapter was the early mornings at the outdoor facilities.  As the sun rises, it bounces off the dew that clings to blades of grass on the meticulously manicured playing surface. A clean crisp breeze pushes across the field as the birds chirp in the background. What would later be filled with athletes and fans was now tranquil and peaceful. In these moments, I can recall being grateful for God’s creation.  A feeling of awe would overtake me as I realize how small I am in this world. A feeling of gratitude followed as I realized that God intimately knows me and loves me.  Even the hairs on our head are individually known to God (Matt 10:30). Those who love God are known by God (1 Cor 8:3). There is no place we can hide from God (Heb 4:13). We are known by our creator.  Take a moment to pause. Soak in God’s beautiful creation surrounding you. I...
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Anchor House Week 32 - Freedom

In this country, I think we take freedom for granted. Most of us have never known anything but freedom. We can typically come and go as we please. We can pursue the dreams we envision. We live in a country that provides us significant freedom. For the seafarers we serve at Anchor House, freedom takes on a life of its own. Freedom to leave the ship depends upon visas, shorepasses, duration of stay in port, and the decisions of ships owners, management, and captains. There are many factors that can impact a seafarer's ability to get off of a ship and have the freedom to move about.  February 20, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. The term freedom drastically changed for the Russian and Ukrainian seafarers we serve. They found themselves restricted and could no longer enjoy shoreleave at our port. Meanwhile their colleagues from other countries were able to visit Anchor House or travel to town for shopping while their ships were in port. While their countries waged war and live...

Set Your Sights

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.- Colossians 3:2  Have you ever made a mistake and had someone ask, "Where are you at?" They ask it when they think you've lost your focus. Usually it happens when performing an easy task or one they've seen you perform successfully numerous times. But this time your actions don't match the task. They assume your mind is on something else or somewhere else.  The challenges of life have a way of hijacking our peace and focus. Finances, work, friendships, church, housing, food, politics, children, spouses, parents, worry, fear, anger, and jealousy can take over our minds. They take our focus off of the task at hand.  Paul reminds his readers, in his letter to the Colossians, that we all died. We are born again in Jesus and the things of this world cannot change our future. We have the promise of an eternal place in heaven with our Lord. Nothing in this world can ever take that away. There is no fear,...

Anchor House Week 31 - NAMMA

The first week of August, I had the chance to attend the North American Maritime Ministry Association (NAMMA) Conference. NAMMA is an ecumenical, Christian association of individuals and affiliated organizations involved in maritime ministry throughout North America, including the United States, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. I had the privilege of attending the conference with our summer intern, Gabe. For both of us it was the first time we had the chance to be a part of the conference. I enjoyed getting to meet so many individuals who serve the Lord across the globe. Each of us serves at different ports and in unique ways. The exchange of ideas was both enjoyable and informative, especially for me as the new guy. Each of the people I met had a heart for the seafarer and the challenges they face. Their hearts poured out to show the love of Jesus to the men and women aboard the vessels that visit their respective ports.   One of the highlights of the trip was me...

Bold Like Stephen

I've always admired people who aren't afraid to be bold in their convictions.  It is the kind of boldness that allows them to stand out in the crowd. There is just something different about how these people view and engage the world around them.  The movie “Hacksaw Ridge” portrays a man that exemplifies what I mean by bold.  He was drafted to serve in World War II but refused to bear arms because of religious reasons. Yet, he still managed to receive the Congressional Medal of honor. Without a weapon in his hand, he saved 75 men in the Battle of Okinawa. Despite his objection to violence, he still served his country. Despite his objection to war he found a way to love his neighbor. He was bold.  When I think of bold in the Bible, I think of Stephen. Acts 6:8 says, "Now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, performed great wonders and signs among the people." Stephen faced opposition to his teachings. Those that opposed his teachings couldn't ...


Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Psalms 27:14 NIV Waiting is hard. When you are waiting to take part in an activity you enjoy or are waiting to hear very important news or are waiting for something to arrive, each minute you wait can feel like eternity. In this instant access age, I think it's even harder. We want it now and if we can't get it now we want updates.   If you've ever ordered from Amazon, you know they are experts in this. They send notifications to update you as to where your package is on the delivery route. Once your package arrives, they take a picture and send it to you. That way no matter where you are you get to enjoy knowing your waiting is nearly over.  To me there is no agony like the pain of waiting for a pizza delivery. You're hungry and looking forward to delicious pizza. Time seems to slow. Seconds tick away like minutes and minutes like hours. Many of the pizza chains have added their own update...

Disciple Makers

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18‭-‬20 NIV I hope this is one of the most impactful selections of scripture for us as followers of Jesus. To set the scene, Jesus is on a mountain and with his closest followers. He's defeated death and left the empty tomb behind. I'm sure the apostles are starting to really understand all He shared with them. The pieces of a puzzle clearly fitting into place. I envision it being like a coach in a huddle just before a game. He shares his final instructions to his team before they go out and execute the plan. If you've seen the movie Pulp Fiction, I think that what the apostles experienced would have been like the ...